Saturday, April 13, 2013


Page 60 Question Number 1-5

1.What are the three functions of the roots?
Ans: The  anchor the plant in soil, collect water and nutrients from soil, and also stores food.

2.Describe the major job of the leaf, and explain how two tissues in the leaf work together to accomplish this job.
Ans: The major job of the leaf is to accomplish photosynthesis, a chemical reaction in which  carbon dioxide and water are converted into sugar and oxygen. The vascular tissues carries water needed for photosynthesis from the root up to the stem to the leaf. The sugar produced is also carried by vascular tissues to the rest of the plant.The oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried out through openings in the leaf epidermal tissue called stomata. Most of the leaf is made of specialized ground tissues called mesophyll.

3.Describe the major job of the stem and explain how the tissues in the stem work together to accomplish one of the stem functions.
Ans: Epidermal tissues provide a protective covering and allows the exchange of gas and water vapour. The epidermal tissues forms cuticle which coats the plant and reduces water loss. Ground tissues provide the stem with strength and support. And vascular tissues transports substances around the plant.
The stem transports water and nutrients throughout the plant and supports the leaves and flowers.

4.What is the major function of a flower?
Ans: The flower is the reproductive structure of the plant. The main function of the flower is to seeds through sexual reproduction.


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